The Fight

The Fight

The story The Fight by Richard Wright is about a boy(the narrator) who has started a new school. The Narrator thinks that with a new school comes a new problem.He feels that academics are only one third of the battle at school and the real battle is social acceptance. While in the class the narrator foreshadows a conflict at recess and it haunts his thoughts for the remainder of the class. The thoughts haunted him so much that he starts asking himself questions about the tough kids like how they fought almost and how tough were they.This reassures us that he was going to have to fight.

After class the boy attends recess and get approached by some tough looking boys. One of the guys starts asking him daunting question but the boy answers back with bold clever remarks. The boy’s remarks spark a reaction and the two boys start fighting. The narrator knows this is his shot at social acceptance. Social acceptance meant he didn’t have to fight anyone again or at least any new kids. As they are fight the narrator is trying to draw blood or bruse his foe so it can show the other guys how tough he was but it didn't go as planned. recess ends and the boys are broken up to go to class, the fight ends in a draw. though the narrator didn't win he gain the social acceptance he long for.

I've been where the narrators been but I tried to avoided the problem by being anti social & quiet but that wasn't enough. Eventually I got into a fight with a bully trying to prove his superiority. this shows that the problem is unavoidable meaning you had to fight no matter who you were or what you did. so I have to agree with the narrators reaction to the bullies and I did react the same way he did.
© Xavier George 2009